Nerdy News Blog From A Geek To Go!

Striving to deliver a daily dose of the techie trials and tribulations on a 'Need 2 kn0w' basis. U kn0w wh0 u r!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Geek To Go Managed Services Program sets milestone in the Recession Years

People are finally waking up and realizing that Managed Services are truly the way to go! No longer having to worry about updating your security, running scans and horrible support, referrals are driving mad interest to our M.S.P. program. While built primarily on a business-based model, we have tweaked it to support residential users as well, coupled with Mozy, the leader for online remote backups. Since most customers wince when their drives fail, because they have never backed up their data, they choose the Mozy way which offers unlimited automated remote storage to their servers in Utah. We can recover just about anything, but a managed computer with remote backup is the way to go!

Thanks to T. West of Georgetown for becoming our 50th MSP customer since we started last spring!

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